There is a striking difference between true lasting transformation and behavior modification. While behavior modification may initial seem like a rather quick change; it usually never produces lasting results. It reeks of temporal change. True inner transformation however, produces results that lasts and will stand the test of time!

Adopting a new lifestyle of wellness and fitness is a lot like going from poor to then becoming rich… on a monetary basis that is. People who usually become rich very quickly, whether that is through the lottery or some other seeming stroke of “luck,” they almost always fail to retain the riches, and become more impoverished than they were prior to getting “lucky.’ True riches, lasting riches, are usually gained over a period of time, even generations. This wealth usually last, even for generations.

While it may seem rather appealing to the flesh to obtain microwave wealth and microwave results in the area of fitness, the results are always all too fleeting and feeling of disappointment all too deep. In short, neither the “get rich quick scheme” or the “get fit quick scheme” are worth the fleeing results and abiding sense of failure they bring!

Let’s not focus on behavior modification, for to do so is like getting rich quick, it doesn’t produce lasting results. Instead allow me to help you focus on what matters most; true inner transformation that will yield you lasting results, less the regret!

Sign up today at to get started on a journey you will enjoy!