Undoubtedly, I received practical wisdom and insight from above regarding eating well and weight loss! I know it, because this wisdom has been tried, tested and proven truly effective in the lives of so many people, who varied greatly as individuals, and in their weight loss goals. These people have not only reached their weight-related goals, they have kept the weight off! They are more fit, stronger, slimmer and happier than they imagined and those results are what I call heavenly, hence, my decision to give credit to this revelation to someone much greater than myself.

Now, albeit, I have been blessed with two doctorate degrees, and have gone to school for personal training certification; I can tell you unequivocally that this wisdom I received didn’t come forth from any of my prior lectures, professors or practical experience. And while on the pages of this blog, the wisdom may seem simplistic, it is nevertheless proven powerful and effective. In short, it was revealed to me that when it comes to weight loss: Wisdom wins that war, not human will-power! 

I strongly encourage anyone who wants to win the war on weight loss and keep it off, to try the effective regimen that yields lasting results and allows you to enjoy the journey!

Sign up today for your royal transformation consultation at www.myroyallife.com