There is a striking difference between true lasting transformation and behavior modification. While behavior modification may initial seem like a rather quick change; it usually never produces lasting results. It reeks of temporal change. True inner transformation however, produces results that lasts and will stand the test of time! Adopting a new lifestyle of wellness…

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Let me begin by assuring you that the journey I invite you to embark on with me, is a royal one, and it is well worth it! I am a firm believer that what location is to real estate, results are to a wellness/fitness journey! Knowing this, we have a focused goal of helping clients…

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Undoubtedly, I received practical wisdom and insight from above regarding eating well and weight loss! I know it, because this wisdom has been tried, tested and proven truly effective in the lives of so many people, who varied greatly as individuals, and in their weight loss goals. These people have not only reached their weight-related…

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